Tenuta Serranova Rosè I.G.P. Salento Susumaniello

It often happens that we think of the illustrious people who preceded us as owners of the estate; from Raimondo del Balzo Orsini, Prince of Taranto, owner of the estate from 1382 to 1407, to Queen Maria d’Enghien, Countess of Lecce, owner from 1407 to 1464. Please refer to the dedicated section for further historical notes on the Serranova Castle. The intense red of the lands reveals a first clue about the oenological orientation of the estate’s wines.

This is the place where you can glimpse the characterizing elements of Vallone; the noble soul of the wines, the innovative soul that led to the conception of the Graticciaia production technique; the soul that embraces the harmony and beauty generated by the union between the historicity of places and nature. Produced entirely from Susumaniello grapes; by religiously using the traditional static draining technique, delicate fruity hints of raspberry, currant and blackberry are obtained. Its fresh embrace suggests the precious moments of carefreeness by the sea.


Variety:100% Susumaniello

Classificazione: I.G.P.
Area of production: Tenuta Castel Serranova – Carovigno (Br)

Characteristics of the vineyard

Location: North – South
Superficie vitata: 10 hectares
Type of soil: limestone-clay
Growing method: bilateral spurred cordon
Average yield per plant: 2.0 kg

Manufacturing technology

Harvesting period:: second ten days of September
Type of grape harvest: hand-picked in crates

Winemaking technique

De-stemming and pressing, short pre-fermentative cryomaceration, follow soft pressing; temperature-controlled fermentation in heat-conditioned stainless-steel tanks for 20 days.

Aging in stainless-steel: for three months on the lees.
Aging in bottle: 2 months

Organoleptic characteristics

Colour: bright pale pink.
Aroma: Intenso e persistente con sentori fruttati di lampone, ribes e mora.
Taste: intense and long-lasting, with hints of raspberry, redcurrant, and blackberry.