PASSO DE LE VISCARDE White Wine Passito I.G.P. Salento

White raisin wine, capable of bringing wisdom and meditation even to those who, by the hand of fate, are without it. The sensation of fullness on the palate is accompanied by a vertical sensation of freshness. Our favorite.


Classification: I.G.P.
Variety: Malvasia Bianca – Moscato – Falanghina
Area of production: The vineyards “Vigna le Viscarde” – Tenuta Flaminio

Characteristics of the vineyard

Location: North – South
Vine area: 6 hectares
Type of soil: limestone-clay
Growing method: bilateral spurred cordon and Guyot

Manufacturing technology

Harvesting period: First ten days of September
Type of grape harvest:: careful selection of grapes hand-picked in crates.
Drying: on racks

Winemaking technique

De-stemming, pressing, cold and static crushing, temperature-controlled fermentation in heat-conditioned stainless-steel tanks for 20/30 days.

Aging: in Allier oak pieces for 12 months.
Aging in bottle: 3 months

Organoleptic characteristics

Colour: golden yellow color with light amber reflections.
Aroma: intense and long-lasting, elegant, with hints of citrus fruit jam, honey, and candied fruit.

Taste: consistent, smooth, full-bodied, sweet, mellow, excellent, and lingering taste.